
"I plead with you to control your tempers,to put a smile upon your faces, which will erase anger;speak out with words of love and peace, appreciation, and respect.If you will do this, your lives will be without regret.Your marriages and family relationships will be preserved. You will be much happier.You will do greater good. You will feel a sense of peace that will be wonderful." "Slow to Anger,
-October 2007 General Conference- Gordon B. Hinckley.

"Pure love is an incomparable, potent power for good. Righteous love is the foundation of a successful marriage. It is the primary cause of contented, well-developed children. "
-Elder Richard G. Scott, "The Eternal Blessings of Marriage".  April 2011 General Conference

"Two of the vital pillars that sustain Father in Heaven’s plan of happiness are marriage and the family. Their lofty significance is underscored by Satan’s relentless efforts to splinter the family and to undermine the significance of temple ordinances, which bind the family together for eternity. The temple sealing has greater meaning as life unfolds. It will help you draw ever closer together and find greater joy and fulfillment in mortality."
 -Elder Richard G. Scott, "The Eternal Blessings of Marriage".  April 2011 General Conference

Happiness in marriage and parenthood can exceed a thousand times any other happiness.
-Elder James E. Faust, Ensign, Nov. 1977, 11

“The ultimate purpose of all we teach is to unite parents and children in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are happy at home, sealed in an eternal marriage, linked to their generations, and assured of exaltation in the presence of our Heavenly Father”
-President Boyd K. Packer in Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 8; or Ensign, May 1995, 8 

"Choose your love, love your choice."
-Thomas S. Monson, "Priesthood Power", April 2011 General Conference

"If you choose wisely and if you are committed to the success of your marriage, there is nothing in this life which will bring you greater happiness. "
-Thomas S. Monson, "Priesthood Power", April 2011 General Conference

"Marriage is the shelter where families are created. That society which puts low value on marriage sows the wind and, in time, will reap the whirlwind—and thereafter, unless they repent, bring upon themselves a holocaust!"
-Pres. Boyd K. Packer, "Marriage" April 1981 General Conference

"I do not know of any better time in all of the history of the world for a young couple who are of age and prepared and who are in love to think of marriage. There is no better time because it is your time."
 -Pres. Boyd K. Packer, "Marriage" April 1981 General Conference

"Marriage brings greater possibilities for happiness than does any other human relationship."
-Elder Russell M. Nelson, "Nurturing Marriage", April 2006 General Conference

My Thoughts
I love being married! I encourage my daughters that marriage is a wonderful thing, when all around them, they hear that marriage shouldn't be experienced until "life" has been lived. I have a strong testimony on the value marriage has and how my role in it is central to the happiness of my family. As Pres. Packer says, this is our time to experience marriage. He emphasizes the importance of making marriage a priority when we are young. I can't imagine, as a nearly 31 year old, just now turning to marriage as a life step. So much has been learned and gained throughout my marriage and with the counsel of the Lord's prophets, I am able to seek the advice given and know that it's the truth. 

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