
“Whatever our calling, regardless of our fears or anxieties, let us pray and then go and do.” 
-Thomas S. Monson, "They Pray and They Go", Ensign, May 2002, 51. 

"By becoming the answer to someone's prayer, we often find the answers to our own."
-Pres. Dieter F. Uchtodorf, "Waiting on the Road to Damascus", April 2011 General Conference

"My promise to you who pray and serve the Lord cannot be that you will have every blessing you may wish for yourself and your family. But I can promise you that the Savior will draw close to you and bless you and your family with what is best."
-Pres. Eyring, "Come Unto Me', April 2013 General Conference

 "The special language of prayer follows different forms in different languages, but the principle is always the same."
-Elder Dallin H. Oaks, "The Language of Prayer" April 1993 General Conference

"Brothers and sisters, the special language of prayer is much more than an artifact of the translation of the scriptures into English. Its use serves an important, current purpose. We know this because of modern revelations and because of the teachings and examples of modern prophets. The way we pray is important."
-Elder Dallin H. Oaks, "The Language of Prayer" April 1993 General Conference

"Prayer is a supernal gift of our Father in Heaven to every soul. Think of it: the absolute Supreme Being, the most all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful personage, encourages you and me, as insignificant as we are, to converse with Him as our Father."
-Elder Richard G. Scott, "Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer", April 2007 General Conference

"Don’t worry about your clumsily expressed feelings. Just talk to your compassionate, understanding Father. You are His precious child whom He loves perfectly and wants to help. As you pray, recognize that Father in Heaven is near and He is listening."
-Elder Richard G. Scott, "Using the Supernal Gift of Prayer", April 2007 General Conference

"Morning and evening prayers—and all of the prayers in between—are not unrelated, discrete events; rather, they are linked together each day and across days, weeks, months, and even years."
-Elder David A. Bednar, "Pray Always", October 2008 General Conference

"Do our spouses, children, and other family members likewise feel the power of our prayers offered unto the Father for their specific needs and desires? Do those we serve hear us pray for them with faith and sincerity? If those we love and serve have not heard and felt the influence of our earnest prayers in their behalf, then the time to repent is now. As we emulate the example of the Savior, our prayers truly will become more meaningful."
-Elder David A. Bednar, "Pray Always", October 2008 General Conference

"Asking in faith requires honesty, effort, commitment, and persistence."
-Elder David A. Bednar, "Ask in Faith"April 2008 General Conference

My Thoughts
Prayer has always been a topic of mine that I have never felt very good at. I envy the children who grow up in strong Latter Day Saint homes, including my own, that have an example of what prayers should sound like. Prayer is not an area where I feel confident that I'm doing right, even though I know Heavenly Father knows my heart and that I am trying to give heartfelt prayers. I know Heavenly Father answers prayers and I am feeding a testimony to rely on His perfect timing. I really appreciated Elder Bednar's counsel on prayer. His counsel is so simple and straight forward, I feel like I have been complicating the matter at hand for so many years, and, after pondering the quotes given, I am able to take prayer to the basics. As I rely more on the Holy Ghost, my prayers become more of what Heavenly Father wants me to say. 

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